Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Website Update 1.5

Website Update 1.5!

~Portfolio Page~ (Coming Soon)
The portfolio page will be divided into two parts, my games and my website templates. Website

templates will include screen shots and live demos. Games will be the ones I make later on.

-Fixed the MAJOR CSS bug! (turned out to be a position and margin issue, my script is so bad didn't

even see it)
-Fixed header, footer & main containers
-News/Blog on Main Page with a new Style!
-Created & Implemented Module Loader to load all necessary function I made
-Redirect system only for facebook and blog (now working)
-Portfolio & Contact Page not done yet
-Updated Graphics Gallery

-Finish Portfolio and Contact Page
-Give the layout and design a bit of touch
-Fix any other bugs
-Add my website templates and Graphics to their respective pages
-Test my web page on other screens!
-Jquery Update
-Implementation of Javascript?

Next Update is going to be very soon!

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Website Update! 1.4

I've also named my indie game development group 'Antare5 Studios', although making complete awesome games is a bit far off, The name and everything related with it will be dormant.

List of done things.

-New Menu Bar
-Fixed Most HTML and CSS Bugs (more like compensated for them)
-Updated Graphics View Page (thumbnails now working)
-Created Contact Page
-Updated Admin Panel to needs

To Do
-Create Portfolio page (It will display my website template & programs/games)
-Make antare5.nighthawk1037.comze.com for Antare5 Studios
-Make Home Page as news page (type of a news/blog)
-Fix more CSS problems
-Make more pages if necessary
-Make Menu Drop Down if neccessary
-Minor Touches on CSS Display

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Hai guys, I've been busy for a while with life and school, since I've got cambridge exams coming up, But I got the will to fix my website since it was ugly looking and had many bugs (interface and PHP). Therefore, for now I've just fixed the CSS Source and added a new menu. The PHP has been disabled and you won't be able to view any pages. However, I will fix this later, not any time soon.

-Create new menu
-Create Modules
-Fix CSS Bugs
-Fix Footer
-Fix header container
-Change Body Padding
-Change main container Padding

--To Do--
-Establish Modules
-Fix PHP Bugs
-Finish Projects page
-Make News page as main page
-Make a better version of the news page
-New header image?
-Make a portfolio page
-Make a downloads page
-Cookies! :3 (for skin theme purposes and visits)
-Sessions for admin panel
etc etc too lazy to write everything down. ;-;

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


I'm starting my allegro game programming from now. I'm going to learn it all the way, then I might at least make something...
Oh, and I'll be updating my website to 1.3 soon after some page fixes and errors.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Minor Update On Saturday

On saturday there will be a minor update fixing some links and finishing the projects.php page!
Thanks to Kamil for contributing to this minor update and helping me set up a directory instead of page url. E.G
Instead of nighthawk1037.comze.com/graphics.php , it's going to be nighthawk1037.comze.com/graphics.



Website Update 1.2!

The major update is here! Though this is an early update, as of it's Friday (few hours before midnight)
I've done a lot of work on here, here are some done stuff.
I've added an id system for my graphics, and downloads. I've made a new theme, updated the theme to make it look better. The new menu really sticks out and makes it look even better.
I've added Jquery effects to give it a buzz. I've made a redirect script so I can count the number of people leaving my website to visit my facebook page or my blog. I've fixed some css problems as well. Re-organized the directories, and made a really slick admin panel for myself. You however won't be able to view it. But I will post a dummy one with some screenshots here for you to see.
I've also updated the stats bar and will release a stats page for the website in the future update.
There is a new notification bar to fit with the theme. I also had a previous jquery problem, which is now fixed. It had something to do with not adding the "stop();" feature. ;)
There is the new 'NH Graphics Display' which will show all of my graphics in a slick manner, I've designed using the ID system, as so I've organized the graphics selection page with a jquery blurr effect that I got from somewhere (forgot his/her name as it was long ago). I will be making a page with credits, because I keep forgetting the names of the people who I take from! xD Anyways, this was because I don't know jquery that much, except for the basics. :P
There is a better looking button, with jquery opacity effects and a glossy look.
I will be making a new page with my css/html templates, which will be for free and downloadable. They will also have live demo previews.
But lets talk about the updates now.
The projects tab won't be updated now as I'm still working on it. But They will be updated in a day or so after this current update.
That's all for now.

Remember to check out my website, and visit my facebook page and give it a like!


Website News

My website is configured for the major update this saturday! I'll be posting here the technical updates when I upload it. 

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

My Blog!

Welcome to my blog! I'll be updating you with news on my projects, websites and graphical manupilations here. :3